Conference Time: 15/Aug/2017 1:01am
Conference Agenda
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Keynote 2: Multimodal workup of epileptic networks (Christian Benar)
Time: Thursday, 31/Aug/2017: 4:15pm - 5:00pm
Location: Room A-003 Uni-S
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3012 Bern
Simultaneous recordings for characterizing the links between modalities: the case of epileptic networks
Christian-G. Bénar
Aix-Marseile Université, France
It is now widely accepted that epilepsy is a disease of brain networks. During presurgical evaluation, a combination of brain mapping modalities can be used such as EEG, MEG, PET, funtional MRI in order to map these networks non-invasively. In a second phase, electrodes can be implanted within the brain, which can record directly within brain structures and confirm/ infirm clinical hypotheses - this is Stereotaxic EEG (SEEG). Each modality has advantages and disadvantages; in order to optimise the use of brain mapping tools, it is therefore crucial to understand how to make best use of these complementary methods. In this context, two questions arise: what are the best markers of epileptogenic tissues, as visible on intracerebral signals, and how can we retrieve them non-invasively. In this talk, I will present recent results on network measures and characterization of high frequency activities. I will also discuss strategies based on simultaneous recordings in for characterizing the links between modalities, in animal models and in patients. In particular, I will show the feasibility of simultaneous EEG-MEG-SEEG recordings thanks to a visual stimulation paradigm and discuss their application to the development of signal processing methods, modelling and diagnosis.